About ClanAM End Game

This book contains everything that has to do with ClanAM End Game.

ClanAM End Game Manifesto

Clan of the Angry Monkey has always been about having fun in the online games we play. Our focus has been strictly on enjoying ourselves and socializing with our online friends. This is not to imply that we do not get things done, in fact we tend have a lot of great accomplishments in the games we play, rather we perform our tasks in a social manner.

This has been especially true in our FFXI adventures on the Phoenix server. Whether running up a CoP mission or sponsoring a Garrison event, we've managed to accomplish a lot while at the same time remaining a very social clan.

The problem is, once you get near end game in FFXI, your interests tend to stray from what the base ClanAM population can accommodate. Things like end-game Garrisons, Limbus, Salvage, and end-game missions/quests need groups of people with high level jobs who are dedicated to the task at hand.

Because ClanAM proper cannot help end-game players with these things, they have traditionally had to look elsewhere. They then often get caught up in end-game HNMLSes that require so much of their time for membership that they leave ClanAM and lose the social interaction of friends and gaming colleagues that we provide. Gamers wanting to continue friendships in ClanAM, or those whose schedules disallow the rigors of an ordinary HNMLS are left wanting.

These, and other problems are ones which we hope to solve in the ClanAM End-Game LS. Read on for more..

HNMLS Politics and Problems

Without going into many specifics, it is important to point out the problems many traditional HNMLSes have. It is these problems that we wish to avoid with ClanAM End-Game LS.

ClanAM End-Game LS : A Different End-Game LS

Our primary goals in ClanAM End-Game LS are as follows:

Membership Requirements

The following rules apply to membership to ClanAM End-Game LS:

Other than these rules, we may have to come up with more as time goes on. But we will only apply new rules if they do not conflict with what is in our Manifesto.

General Policy Notes

Aside from the rules above, we have some general policy notes you should be aware of.


What do I do if another end-game LS demands I drop ClanAM?

As we have said, membership to ClanAM does not mitigate you leave other LSes. We don't want to own you and keep you strictly for ourselves. We don't want you to leave your friends elsewhere or cut ties with other acquantances. In fact, if we cannot satisfy your end-game needs, then we encourage you to seek them elsewhere.

That being said, you will encounter other HNMLSes out there (usually run by children :-) who demand you drop any other LSes besides their own. While this is a practice we think is insanely stupid and would strongly suggest you don't allow yourself to be a slave to someone, it is ultimately your choice as to what you want to do.

Evaluate everything, both what the respective LSes can offer you as well as what you may have to pay for membership (e.g., your freedom) and decide for yourself.

We may be sad to see you go if you decide to leave us, but we will respect your decision.

If I do decide to leave for a more exclusive HNMLS, will I be punished?

You will have to give up your ClanAM End-Game pearl, but that's only because the other HNMLS will require it. ClanAM will not "punish" you in anyway, and will respect your decision.

That being said, the ClanAM members may be displeased with your decision. Don't be surprised if you show up and people razz you because of your decision.

The thing is, the way these other HNMLSes stay as exclusive as they are is by demanding a lot of your time. Thus, you will undoubtedly stop showing up for ClanAM proper events and become distanced from the friends you had here in ClanAM. So there's really little you can do about it if you make such a decision.

Bottom line is this: Put yourself in your friends shoes. If they were to ditch you the way you ditched them, would you be bothered because of it?

Why do few end-game events?

This is largely my doing. I'm a busy person. I work a full time job and run a non-profit educational software organization in my free-time. Thus, I simply don't have the time to divide up between many LSes.

Basically, ClanAM is my focus when gaming online, and ClanAM has multiple divisions, so I have to divide up my time carefully between them so as not to neglect any of them