2007-06-20 : Limbus Event
When? Wednesday, Jun 20th, 2007 @ 8pm EDT (7pm CDT, 6pm MDT, 5pm PDT)
Where? Gather Together Port Jeuno at the start time
What? Limbus farming
Prerequisites? Sea access
This will be our first ClanAM EG "official" event. ClanAM members who have Sea are welcome to come. We have a few requirements, as well as some caveats, please read on for the details...
One thing we need to be sure everyone understands is that in ClanAM End Game unexpected AFKs will not be tolerated. Any persons found unexpectedly AFK at inopportune times will be booted from the party/alliance until they return. This will become a more formal ClanAM EG rule, but for now just take it as a very serious warning.
The other thing that is important to note is that punctuality is important. The event will be canceled if we do not have enough people in Port Jeuno and ready by 8:30pm EDT. No debating this.
With those two things out of the way, whether we actually attempt to complete a Limbus area or just farm will be determined by how many people show up. Additionally, we wont really know which Limbus area we'll go to until we take a look at who we have in our group.
Bearing these in mind, I'd wager we will probably just be farming one of the Limbus areas.
A designated currency holder will be declared at the time of the event. Please be sure to pass all currency to them. As for other drops (such as the rare/ex items that are used to make AF+1), these will be "free lot" this run. In the future, we will likely implement some sort of combination points/free-lot/priority scheme (but we have nothing firm at the moment).