2007-11-18 Final CoP Battles

When? Sunday, Nov. 11th - 5:30pm EST (4:30pm CST, 3:30pm MST, 2:30pm PST)
What? Finish final two CoP battles for those who need them still.

We have around 5 people who are missing the last two battles for CoP. We will meet and try to finish them.

Update: Sorry folks, I probably wont be able to make it after all. As many of you know, my wife is going in for surgery this week and has relatives coming in from out of town. Looks like they will be here right about when the event was scheduled, and I will need to pick them up. Sorry, we'll have to try again after the holidays. - Sam


Went well, thanks for your concern and best wishes.

Her surgery was supposed to be between 3 and 6 hours long, but they got done in 2.5 hours. My wife has been in the hospital for 3 days now, and will be released today (hopefully).

Happy turkey day all.


Hope all goes well, and you have a good thanksgiving.

Have fun and I hope

Have fun and I hope everything goes ok with the sugery